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Selectmen's Minutes July 25, 1995
           Minutes of July 25, 1995 Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen Attending: Charles Flynn; James Haggerty, Chair; Peter
Jones and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk; with Joseph Nugent, the
Executive Secretary to the Board of Selectmen.  

I. Meeting opened: Meeting called to order at 7:30pm with bills
and warrants to be signed.

II. Presentation of Certificate to Yon Hanlon: On behalf of the
residents of the entire Town of Hanson, Yon Hanlon was presented
a certificate complimenting him for representing Hanson and his
ability in winning the Bronze Medal for the 5,000 meter race at
the World Special Olympics and taking 4th place in the 1500 meter
race.  Praise can not be high enough for this fine young man's
efforts towards excellence.  His mother addressed the Board
thanking many present and former Town officials for their
assistance in making Yon's success possible.

III. Library Hours: Library Director Barbara Ramey and Trustees
Marie and John Hanlon appeared before the Board to update us on
the library hour situation.  The Library remains open for the
same number of hours per week - 33 hours.  After a three year
trial period of having the library open on Saturdays during the
summer, the Trustees deemed the time not wisely spent and
reworked the schedule.  The library is now open earlier on
Tuesday mornings and later on Wednesday evenings.  Ramey has
noticed no drop in circulation.  The library will reopen on
Saturdays after school opens.  The new hours will be posted on
Cable TV and will be sent in letter form to the Selectmen for
reading during the meeting.

IV. Highway Surveyor/ State Street Bridge:  Harris reported that
Kevin Cassidy of the District Office has been helpful in letting
him know the current status.  Because the wing walls and
abutments were structurally unsound, the state had to go for a
redesign of the bridge.  Determination of the cost involved,
(threshold is $30,000), will depend on how quickly work will
resume - State Engineer Bob Fitzgerald has indicated to Harris
that work should begin, at the latest, later next week.  The
completion time frame is still November, 1995.   FY96 Road Work:
Harris was asked to comment on expected progress towards more
road work being done in Hanson.  The bid(s) for road work to be
opened August 4th will give us a better idea of a possible
schedule of which roads will be done this fiscal year.

V. Flea Market Request:  Council of Elder Affairs requesting the
use of the Town Hall grounds for the Annual Senior Flea Market.
Motion 7/25/95.1: move to grant the use of the Town Hall grounds
to the Council for Elder Affairs on September 9, 1995 9-2pm.
Motion by Flynn with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 4-0.

VI. Request to Declare Vehicles Surplus: Police Chief has
notified the Board of Selectmen that the two 1988 Crown Victoria
cruisers are being used for parts and the 1990 Crown Victoria
which is intact and operable are no longer needed by the police
department and should be declared surplus.  Discussed the process
by which Town disposes of vehicles from various departments.  If
a vehicle(s) is no longer needed by a department then that
vehicle is to be noted as surplus to the Board of Selectmen. If a
department wishes to trade it in then that course of action is to
be recommended to the Board of Selectmen for consideration. This
discussion was generated by the recent newspaper article on the
Capital Improvement Committee authorization of the Highway
Department trade-in of a truck for a new dump truck.  Nugent was
reminded of the proper procedure which should be followed by the
CIC in the future. Motion 7/25/95.2: move to declare the three
vehicles surplus with the Executive Secretary to contact the
company accepting junk vehicles on behalf of Special Olympics to
receive the two 1988 cars and that a notice be sent around to all
departments asking for a need of the 1990 vehicle.  Motion by
Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.

VII. Appointment of Sealer of Weights and Measurers: Three
excellent candidates for the position - Carl Nash of Hanson, a
retired math and physics teacher; Arthur West of Hanover, Sealer
of Weights & Measurers for Hanover; and Herbert Wolfer of
Bridgewater who is the Sealer for five other Towns.  Motion
7/25/95.3: move to appoint Herbert Wolfer as Sealer of Weights
and Measures for a term to expire June 30, 1996. Motion by Jones
with second by Flynn. After a short mention that West would be
her candidate for the position since he would share his time
between only two towns, Kuchinski stated she would vote
unanimously for Wolfer as a courtesy.  Motion carried 4-0.

VIII. Resignation / Appointment to Board of Appeals: Board was
notified that Jay C. Walter has sent a letter to the Town
resigning from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Motion 7/25/95.4:
move to accept Walter's letter of resignation with regret.
Motion by Kuchinski with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.
Board was notified by the Board of Appeals that Alternate Edward
Casey was the choice to fill the position in light of Walter's
resignation.  Motion 7/25/95.5: move to appoint Edward Casey to
the position on the Board of Appeals for a term to expire June
30, 1997.  Motion by Kuchinski with second by Flynn. A vote was
taken after a short discussion on why this appointment need not
wait for general announcement (In cases, Ed Casey has already
acted as a member of the Board of Appeals) Motion carried 4-0.

IX. One-day Beer and Wine License / Kiwanis Steak Fry - August
7th: Kiwanis requesting a one-day license for August 7th Steak
Fry at Camp Kiwanee. Tickets are $10. Motion 7/25/95.6: move to
grant a one day beer and wine license for Kiwanis Annual Steak
Fry at Camp Kiwanee on August 7, 1995 6-9pm.  Motion by Kuchinski
with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0.

X. Open Positions: various positions still remain open (Wage &
Personnel; fence viewers, Cable TV, etc.  Nugent is requested to
compile a complete list for the Board's review and announcement
at the next meeting.  

XI. Treasurer/Collector re: Tax Title Auction: Carole McCormack
informed the Board that of the 47 parcels listed to them in
March, she is notifying the Board now that 31 parcels are ready
to be auctioned.  Haggerty asked her to hold off until the next
meeting in order for the Board to review the property list given
tonight with a map with an eye towards reserving a site for the
Habitat for Humanity program.  McCormack ran through the auction
process - She notifies previous owner and present abutters of the
public auction to be held at the Town Hall.  At the public
auction all bids are verbal with 10% given that day and balance
of bid price due within 30 days; successful bidder would be
responsible for deed and transfer costs and would receive a
Treasurer's deed.  The second bid on each property would also be
held in case of first bidder default.

XII.Executive Secretary Report: (1) Factory Pond Dam letter:
Nugent reported that he worked with Morrill to rewrite the draft
of letter before the Board and that Morrill accepted the rewrite.
Minor revisions were given by Board members.  Chairman to sign
the letter on behalf of the Board on Tuesday for forwarding to
Hanover with copies sent as requested by Morrill.  (2) Vehicle
list: Fire and Water departments need to turn in their lists of
vehicles, their purpose and who drives them.  Nugent explained
the use of the three OR plates (off road or to a particular site
by various departments - cost savings to the Town.  (3) Golf
Course Update: Nugent spoke to Burne today and was informed that
he intends to proceed with the cutting in the Fall; that he has
taken on one to three partners; that his financing should be in
place within 30 days; that the Bogs are separate from the golf
course property and he has entered into a long-term lease with a
local cranberry grower to cultivate the bogs.  (4) E-911 meeting
to Regionalize Service: Whitman has spearheaded a local meeting
set for the Thursday, July 27 in Whitman.  Our Emergency
Communication Operations Management Committee will attend.

XIII. Action Requests: Kuchinski noted that (1) the Drainage
Committee will meet Saturday at 9AM.  (2) Requested Status of
Route 58: Nugent will contact Marini to have pressure on the
state to clean up the loose ends of this project - property
bounds on properties along 58 and the loaming and seeding
promised.  Want to know what the status of monies Todesca is
claiming from the state - request do not release until Town is
satisfied problems are being fixed.  Detail monies ($30,000) not
yet received. (3) Island Beautification project - Elm Street:
Kuchinski noted fine work by residents Mr. Antone, Mrs. Andrews
and Mr. _________ with sons Bryan and Jonathan worked with Tree
Warden Ferguson.  Motion 7/25/95.7: move to send letter of
appreciation to these residents for their spirit of volunteerism
beautifying Hanson.  Motion by Kuchinski with second by Jones.
Motion carried 4-0.

IV. Adjournment: Motion 7/25/95.8: move to adjourn.  Motion made
by Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion carried 4-0. Adjourned at